R.A.I.N. |
Rescuing Animals In Need |
Scrap Book |
This is a happy & contented pair is it not! Mike(human) & Rona(feline) are napping together. Mike is Treasurer of R.A.I.N. & Rona is a former pound kitty who was lucky enough to find a home who loved her as much as this. She came to Mike with a broken & dislocated rear leg after being caught in a fan belt of a car. She was dumped off at a local shelter & received no treatment for a very painful injury while she was there. She is safe & loved now though, & will never have to worry about the dangers of the outside world again! She is one of the lucky ones! |
This very spoiled, pampered creature is a former R.A.I.N. kitty, who now lives in the life of luxury & thinks he deserves every bit of it(who are we to argue)! Coming from Richmond City Shelter he was continually left behind because he is black. Black cats are constantly overlooked for their more colorful relatives and are far too often euthanized due to this simple fact! Amazing, how predjudiced people can be about cats too! I am sure this young man would definitely have something to say about that!! |
This very happy young lady is the very first cat ever adopted out from RAIN. Nemesis was at the Richmond City Shelter under quarantine for scratching a child when he pulled her tail. Her time was up and she was slated for euthanasia. She was noticed by a volunteer who could not believe that a cat would be killed for scratching in defense of herself. Adopted now and dearly loved by her adopted family, Nemi is so loved and cared about, she has all but forgotten the horrors of her past. Her caretakers consider themselves to be the lucky ones and I am sure Nemi would agree. She is proof that unconditional love can heal the emotional scars of a young cats' traumatic start. So do not always judge a book by its cover or a cat by his or her behavior before you know what is inside or how they became that way to begin with. Give them a chance for you may react the same in their place, maybe even worse! |
Hathor is a very self assured cat who was overlooked time and time again for her large size. Constantly ridiculed at our adoption outings, we became upset at the constant comments(many of the very unkind) about her size. It took her several years to finally find her place with a wonderful woman who loved her full-figued self. Hathor is the queen of her domain now with underling cats to keep in line and a loving caretaker on which to bestow all of her love. Before you judge and comment, look in the mirror at your own flaws and imperfections. Animals may not understand our words but they sense our intent and remember that animals know by senses we have lost and can understand our vocal tones. Also remember that they may be laughing at you too!! |
Mahto was turned into a Richmond, Virgnia shelter by a man who was charged with animal neglect & cruelty. Mahto had been abused & had a collar embedded in his neck. The shelter called us because Mahto was basically unadoptable by normal standards and the other cat who was with him had been adopted. Mahto was very terrified & did nothing but physically shake all the time when approached by people. His former housemate was a very outgoing & friendly cat who was only mildly affected by the previous situation. Mahto was taken by a woman who willingly decided to work with him, to help him trust again. He trembled for at least a month, but slowly but surely he became a curious, loving & social boy who loves food & feather toys. As you can see he is living the high life (literally)& happy to just be loved. He is loved & cherished & has become quite a character & greets people now. Love & trust are essential for happiness especially in cats & dogs like Mahto who have been treated badly. Most are never given the chance and die at the hands of those who do not understand and just do not care to try. While a loving & friendly cat or dog give happiness to you, with time & understanding & patience you can give a cat or dog like Mahto happiness and the love these forgotten cast offs so richly deserve!! |
Here are Kaelan & Pam taking a nap. Kaelan was adopted after many, many adoption days, by Pam & her husband. Kaelan was overlooked time & time again because he needed special veterinary food for a urinary tract disorder. She says it was love at first site and did not even blink at his problem. It looks as though both are very lucky indeed to have each other. |
Kaelan is showing just how much he loves his family here by kissing Ken Faulkner, his adopted father. Kaelan never ceases to show his family his love & appreciation for them. If only all cats & dogs could have a family like the Faulkners, it would be a much better world. |
Babs was giving her housemate Max the evil eye to stay away from her hammock! Babs resides in Orange Park, Florida with Sandra Land, who ordered the hammock from us after seeing it in "The Whole Cat Journal". |
Moppie resides with Suzanne Mary in Finleyville, Pennsylvania. Suzanne ordered orange crush and forest green hammocks from us after seeing them in "The Whole Cat Journal". |
Spooky resides with Suzanne Mary in Finleyville, Pennsylvania. Suzanne ordered orange crush and forest green hammocks from us after seeing them in "The Whole Cat Journal". |
Stinky resides with Suzanne Mary in Finleyville, Pennsylvania. Suzanne ordered orange crush and forest green hammocks from us after seeing them in "The Whole Cat Journal". |